Just over a year ago, the EarlyAct Club of Enis Adams Primary School, received its Charter from Ms. Monica Ramjeet, in a colorful ceremony attended by His Excellency Governor Boyd McCleary, Ministers of the Government, Hon Dancia Penn and Hon.Andrew Fahie and many Rotarians, school faculty and friends. One year on, the Club celebrated its first anniversary with a luncheon at the Moorings Mariner Inn on 8th February, 2012.
During the last12 months, the Club has added 10 more members taking membership to 40. It has taken its commitment to Community to heart, with community projects at the school, and at the Esslyn Henley Learning Center, where for two years now students have received Christmas gifts from the Club.
Club members have also supported many of the events of the sponsoring Rotary Club, including the annual health fair, the Kiddies Fiesta and the Clubs Christmas breakfast. Members of the dance troupe also figured prominently in the recent launch of the District Conference 2013 theme, the conference to be held in the BVI in May 2013.
President of the EarlyAct Club, Mateo Parsons, opened the luncheon with a confident message of welcome. Remarks were made by Principal Carleen Parsons, Educator Mrs Braithwaite, Mrs Gregg, Charles Benjamin and DGE Vance Lewis; there was a common theme to all remarks with agreement that the EarlyAct Club was a credit to the school.